Sunday, November 23, 2008

In Honor of When I First Learned To Drive a Transit Bus Ten Years Ago

    I still remember the first time I drove for the Marion Area Transit; in fact, it was just ten years ago, November 24. Driving a passenger bus required a clean driving record and that I upgrade my license to a class C commercial driver's license. Because of this I had to take test that showed my understanding of maneuverability, driving safety and transporting passengers. The first bus that I drove could handle about twelve people, but now I drive one that can transport twice that number. There have been many challenges in driving such as learning the names of the streets, avoiding accidents, and learning to provide good customer service while driving. Yet the rewards have been many; I have made friends, cooed over babies and had lots of fun. When I recall how frightened I was when first approached about driving a transit bus, I’m still glad I made the change.

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